Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why You Should Accept and Receive Dental Treatment as Soon as it is Recommended

I hear the same excuses every day...

"I'm just going to wait on that filling. It doesn't hurt and the doctor said it wasn't that big."

Let's TRY to Rationalize That:
So you're going to WAIT for it to get bigger and WAIT for it to put you in pain, which will no doubt be severe. Here's the truth about tooth decay and dental treatment... If a dentist proposes treatment for a tooth/teeth that are in trouble, have cavities, are broken, etc., you have a short window of opportunity to fix the problem. When a tooth is compromised, and you decide to do nothing, the condition of the tooth will continue to worsen moving it through more and more aggressive and expensive stages of dental treatment.  If you wait too long, the tooth will not be able to be saved. If you are told you need a small filling on a tooth that you didn't even know had a problem and you are not in pain, GET THE FILLING!

Basic Stages of Dental Treatment a "WAITING" Tooth Progresses through as its Condition Worsens


More Excuses Patients Use to Not Receive Dental Treatment

"I need to talk to my spouse."

Let's TRY to Rationalize That:
This may be the response most used by patients to dental treatment. I understand wanting to respectfully inform your spouse of financial commitments like dental treatment. We all know you are going to discuss this appointment with your spouse when you get home. We want you to talk it all out with your spouse. How does that prevent you from scheduling your procedure? Is there any scenario where you have that conversation and your spouse tells you NOT to take care of your health?



"This is the first I'm hearing of this problem."

Let's TRY to Rationalize That:
Well, yeah. There's a first time for everything. Someone's got to be the first to alert you of this condition.



"I cannot afford it right now." (Usually proclaimed before treatment costs have even been analyzed.)

Let's TRY to Rationalize That:
Neither can I. Neither can anyone. However, this IS your HEALTH. It's not a theory that a staggering percentage of heart condition related fatalities are directly linked to poor oral health. You have to figure it out. Just as you would have to figure out other inconveniences that can pop-up at anytime like car problems, broken home appliances or a sick pet. 



"I have so much treatment that needs to be done, I'll never be able to do it all, so what's the point in restoring just one tooth?"

Let's TRY to Rationalize That:
You have a very sick mouth, but you don't want to treat it because you can't do it all at once. It didn't take a day for your oral health to approach such a condition and there is no magic wand to reverse the damage in a snap. You have to start somewhere and taking responsibility for your condition is a good place. Recognize it, accept it and make a commitment to a healthier approach to your oral and overall health. You have to fight feeling overwhelmed with extensive treatment plans and remember you are not alone. This is why treatment plans are important. Your doctor will prioritize your treatment guiding you in your journey back to good oral health.  With a caring, knowledgeable dentist like Dr. De Paoli, every step of the way will be as a team. 

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